Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Random updates

Umama came to visit!
Just some cute bunny stuff

 A turtle at work collecting permissions from the parking lot
Plant room update!
Fat toad living in my outdoor plants
Maze doing whatever it is she does


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Our fun weekend

 When we found out Miranda Lambert would be playing at the IL state fair we decided to make a camping weekend of it. We got there early enough Friday to enjoy the pool, get some dinner and a little shopping. Yesterday we had a great bike ride on the local bike trails, hit the plant store, a winery and then the concert! Today we squeezed in another ride before heading home. Bonus-great weather for August! 

Foster Flash

 This cute young stray boy from Oklahoma has been with us a few weeks. Hopefully he will be adopted soon!

Rabbit cuteness

 Not a lot of words. Just a lot of cute!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Camping time!

 We spent a hot weekend camping for our anniversary. We ran the bacon race and each got second. Clair got first and cheri fourth so a pretty good day for all! Then we mostly relaxed and took after sunset walks!