More tales from the veterinary world...
1. Phone call stating that their neighbor's puppy died of parvo and they wanted to know if they should get their daughter vaccinated.
2. An appointment with a one year old sick cat where the owners asked if he had reached his natural life span since his mother was a feral cat.
3. Appointment for checking a bump on the skin which turned out to be the rectum
4. Someone asked if their pet was too old to get fleas
5. A potential client called to ask how pregnant his bulldog had to be to hear the puppy heartbeats. Seems he had been using human home pregnancy tests (in what I can only assume is an unusual puppy mill situation) with reliable results for years but this dog had tested negative and he wanted to double check. I don't even have anything to say about this but just FYI listening for heartbeats is not a usual way we check for pregnancy in dogs.
6. A client informed us that if ants get into hummingbird food (which is essentially sugar water) they will turn it to acid. Interesting.
7 months ago
You know they make me laugh out loud even the second time around!
Wow! You sure do hear it all!
Thanks for the laugh!!
Lol, I think the rectum one wins the contest. Diana
I vote for number 3 as the all time funniest!
Oh wow, I had someone present a cat for a lump that was actually a rectum a few months ago. The best part was the 8 year old daughter watching the exchange with intensity.
Hilarious. Thank you
Very, very funny! I don't know how you keep from busting out laughing at some of these people!
Hahaha you DO hear it all! I bet it's hard sometimes to not to burst out laughing!
I just LOVE your veterinary stories. Just think, that how James Harriot got started!
OMG...Number 5 was me! That guy was adamant that human pregnancy tests worked. AND he wanted to "get a regular vet for his dog (who has had several litters) so he can come to us when the dog needs her c-section". No other care...just for the c-section. Amazing.
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