Zodiac's progress in utility seems to be stalling out. Lately articles seem like a total disaster-he looks and looks and then brings back multiple wrong articles and sometimes doesn't even show an interest in going to the pile. So today after he seemed totally stressed out over it we went inside where it was nice and cool and quiet and I got the socks back out and we had some fun doing sock articles. He nailed it every time. Maybe he just needs a fun confidence builder. I think I will stick with socks for a week or so. He's started doing very crooked go outs-like to the corners of the "ring." I don't know if he's looking for gloves or just doesn't want to go straight anymore. But I can fix that. What I'm worried about is his jumping. He really has to make an effort to get over the jump and sometimes he heads towards it like he's going to and then changes his mind because it's too much trouble. I think his mysterious orthopedic problem is getting worse. I may try him on Rimadyl. I have also noticed (or imagined) that he seems to have a shorter stride in the rear end when running. I may also re-radiograph him and take him to acupuncture. I'd hate to come this far and give it all up just because he can't get over 2 jumps. But that's life I guess. We'll see-we have a lot of options still. Signals were pretty good-he didn't seem very in tune with me today. He seemed very stressed from the start-panting and drooling a lot even thought it wasn't that hot. Not sure what that's about but he gets that way sometimes, then he will go for weeks and work happily. Dogs are so weird. Gloves are hit and miss. Sometimes he's great. Sometimes he gets fixated on glove number 2.
Legend is doing well. She had a great agility practice today. We are also working on more Control Unleashed stuff. There are lots of good ideas in that book. I'm also hoping she finishes her CD this fall. I'd love to start doing more CDX stuff with her-she loves to retrieve. I know I could do that stuff now I have so much to work on with both dogs I really want to focus on the titles we are trying to finish first!
Zodiac seems to really like tracking. We have been about 4 times and he's picking it up nicely. Last night he even did a turn! It's pretty cool to watch him work. I'm excited to see him progress.
We are getting a handle on the bee problem. Apparently an exterminator will not come look for a hive/nest. You have to actually know where it is or else they just fog your barn. Not helpful. But Leslie's dad keeps honey bees so she had him go out to our house with his bee suit and look for the nest-he found it and killed a lot of the bees. We have only seen a few since then and have killed them as well.
7 months ago
To bad our dogs cant talk, it sure would help sometimes. And then other times, after listening to kids, I think its not to bad ( that they cant talk). Diana
I agree with Diana, sometimes I wish I could say to Oreo, "use your words"....
Glad your bees are gone!
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