Oreo was my first puppy of my own and I spent a lot of time picking out a name. The perfect idea came to me while I was sitting in World History class. I would call him Oreo-it was perfect, he had a lot of black on his head and his body and a white strip in the middle around his neck-just like an Oreo cookie. Later on I found out a lot of people name their black and white pets Oreo, but at the time I thought it was unique. I'm also very disappointed when people use the name Oreo and their pet is not even black and white-what a waste! Oreo did not have any actual nicknames, but I often called him buddy. However I call a lot of animals buddy so it wasn't unique to him.
Legend was also a name I had picked in advance because I thought it would be a great performance dog name. I had actually picked it for a male but that's not what came along and it seemed to fit her too. The boys were registered with the AKC (for ILP numbers, none of my dogs have papers) with their call names but for Legend I finally decided to come up with something else for the registration and so she is officially known as "Living In Fast Forward" which is cute for a border collie and also a Kenny Chesney song title. Her nicknames are Ledge, Ledgie, and Baby Girl.
I love Legend's full name, very appropriate for her.
I give all my dogs full names as if they were being registered even the mixes. It puts them on an even footing with the fancy registered dogs and besides it's fun.
i have dog names in my head that I picked years ago and am waiting for the right dog to come along, such as Norma Jean.
I thought Oreo was a unique name too, until I went to my first agility class! I still think its a great name~cheerful.
The same week I got Oreo, one of my students got a golden retriever, and decided to name him Oreo. I asked, "Why? He's not black & white?"
He replied, "Chips A'Hoy is too long."
Sara-that's too funny! Sue-I have "future" names in my head too!
I love the name game post so much! And you are right--lots of black and white animals are named Oreo! Like my husband's first dog when he was a boy! And a lot of Paint horses! But it is so darling! I love it! It is also such a good name for a snarly little crabby animal because it is so darn cute!
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