After an unexpectedly long vacation the dogs went back to work on Tuesday. Other than taking Legend to class they have not worked since prior to our trip. Zodiac needed a little work on remembering the appropriate way to do signals but then did super go-outs/directed jumping and some good articles too. I'm working toward a local obedience trial in October that will hopefully show improvement in his utility skills. Legend worked on agility-I'm using a target on her contacts again since she's starting to blow them off and that gives me a chance to work on them from a greater distance as well. I'm also reading Control Unleashed which is giving us lots of ideas on how to redirect her energy appropriately as well as work on her general manners (or lack thereof!).
7 months ago
Control Unleashed is a great book.
I'm sure the dogs were happy to be "back at work".
I haven't read control unleashed. I do have almost as much control over Dispatch unleashed as leashed but that's just because he's velcro and wants to please me so he can ALWAYS be by mommys side.
What beautiful dogs! Welcome to DOT.
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