Sunday, January 28, 2018


Paisley is approximately 3 year old female who was surrendered for killing chickens.  But she seems fine with other animals and is a sweet girl.  She will be available for adoption soon.  Penny is getting adopted in a few weeks by a great family.  But right now our house is getting full!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Snow day 2018

We had enough snow today to stay home.  It was pretty cold though but I did manage to get some photos.  Lyric does not appreciate snow like she did when she was younger.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


This cutie pie is Penny.  She's about 3 years old and  was a stray.  She seems pretty easy going so far. Likes dogs, doesn't mind cats and loves attention.  We will know more about her soon!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tulsa UKC Jan 2017

The search team of Legend and Epic did great at the trial this weekend.  Legend rocked a perfect 5/5 weekend finishing her Elite containers, Advanced and Superior Interiors as well as her Advanced and Superior Nosework titles.  She also earned one high in trial and two first places.

Epic had a great weekend as well.  He was 5/6 and probably would have gotten the other one but I rushed my call a little.  He finished his Advanced containers and his Novice interiors plus a leg on his Advanced interiors.  He also got some placements but isn't quite as fast as his sister yet.  It's hard for me not to compare them but in reality he's doing great for only 6 months training!  

Coming up next Legend will be doing a few AKC trials and they will probably both attend another UKC trial before spring is over.  We will enter some NACSW but as always we have to wait on the draw.  Oh, and Epic is entered in an ORT so hopefully when he and I ready to give NACSW a shot he will be all set to go.  

Monday, January 1, 2018

Florida Christmas 2017

We spend the first few days near the beach and St. Augustine.  We enjoyed sight seeing and shopping around town, visiting a historic fort, family time with games, and of course, the beach.  Complete with fun photos.

We spend the second half near Orlando.  It was much chillier than predicted here but we muddled through Disney World and Orlando Studios anyway.

We returned home to temperatures in the single digits and wind chills below zero.  So happy new year.