Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Fun things

This otter from the local zoo came in to work today for so Dr. Sherman could pull some teeth.  She was so cute!  We all got to pet her and take pictures while she was asleep!

 Then I got off early and it was a perfect day to ride.  Got my fat boy good and sweaty.  He's a perpetual work in progress but overall I like to believe we are making progress.

Epic has been working on his agility skills now that the weather is getting better.  I'm excited to let him try out both the agility and obedience ring this summer as well as continue in Nosework.

Monday, March 25, 2019

KC field trip

The exchange group had a trip to KC last week.  Despite it being educational they also had a lot of fun.

Weekend fun

Sunday was a lovely day (except a few rain showers) and we went down to Branson.  We started with the new adventure park there.  It's like City Museum in STL but smaller.  We had a great time.

After that we had Hurt's donuts for lunch and then did some shopping.  When we got home I look Legend for a short (but ill fated run as we got caught in a small rain shower).  When that cleared up I worked some agility with Epic-he's doing very well, and then spent some time with the dogs outside. We also watched the new Ghostbuster's movie this weekend and all enjoyed that.  Back to work and school today!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Spring Break Family Photos

We had some traditional ship photos taken and then an extra session for some more unique shots.  The sessions are free but the photos aren't if you choose to buy!  There were a lot of good ones but we narrowed them down to these.

There is actually one more but I'm waiting on the digital print as it didn't transfer correctly.