Sunday, March 21, 2021

Camping and Coursing

This was our big first weekend in the camper! We headed over to Oklahoma for lure coursing. We didn’t actually get to spend much time at the camper or the campsite. But it was nice and we enjoyed the new experience and everything went smoothly. 

As you see Epic was also fine with the experience. Plus he totally crushed it in coursing. He finished up his BCAT on the fast cat course plus some points towards the next level. 

He also got to run the much more challenging CAT course which is 600 yards in the open field with turns. He did amazing and finished his title in that class as well. We were supposed to run more fast cat this afternoon but he was so tired and the trials were running so long we decided to head out. He’s a much more heat sensitive dog than Legend and doesn’t always bounce right back from strenuous active in the warmer weather. He’s still pretty tired! Although he did run and play in the yard when we got home which I’m sure didn’t help. 

We did take a little walk at the campground before pulling out. 

Next weekend scentwork and more camping!

Coursing video!

Epic brags

On a whim I entered one day of obedience trials on my Friday off since it was local. It ended up being a cold rainy day anyway so might as well do something inside right? And while it was not pretty-well the heeling anyway, Epic did knock out both remaining legs of his CD with some upper 170s. Far from what he got in BN and I’m not shire what changed for him but at least it’s done. 

We also noticed the NADAC breed top ten lists were posted. I guess not many cattle dogs are running nadac (honestly I don’t see a lot of cattle dogs at any sport we attend anywhere) because even with the limited elite runs we had last year we made a few lists! Gunning for some number one spots this year!


Our wobbly cat Dizzy finally got stepped on by a horse. We knew it had to happen eventually. Fortunately she just got clipped and only tore some skin. I sewed her up on the kitchen floor like any good vet mom would do. She’s doing great and healing well!

Little T

We fostered this guy for the humane society we partner with at work. He was super fun and cute!

Catching up!

I hate a lot to catch up on! First off, we met with our old neighbors and went on a hike with the dogs. Sweets did great for his first off leash hike and everyone had a great time!