for a large part of her 7 years with us. But what else could we do. We have tried everything short of medication over the last few years and since she is very difficult to catch, handle and medicate that is not a very viable option. May not work anyway. She should, however, be able to come in for periods of time when we have the bedroom doors shut and we are using or watching the couch. This would eliminate most problem areas and give her a chance to hang out with us look out the windows. And we don't have to put her outside where she would not know what to do and may not end up getting hurt or worse.
In other news of the week...
Wednesday: Legend had agility class and although she was very fired up and it was cool she did pretty well.
Thursday: I started a new session of obedience classes at work. I usually limit it to about 8 dogs but this time I had 11 that wanted in. People always end up missing class or dropping out so I figured that even it it starts out pretty crowded it will end up ok. Plus I didn't have to turn anyone away and since I get paid for each dog it's good for me too!
Friday: Mostly cleaning house and then my sister arrived for a visit.
Saturday: We all went to Silver Dollar City and then did some shopping.
Sunday: Headed up to Cider Days (not terribly impressive) in downtown Springfield to look at crafts. Then said good-bye to Jackie and headed to Best Buy for my early birthday present-the new iPhone which is very cool!
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