I went out to feed the other morning and in place of my cat food container all I found was an upside down lid wit the remainder of the cat food spilled on top of it-and two unusually full cats! We have kept cat food in the barn for years and even kept open bags of it out there at times and never once have the cats gotten into it so I was pretty sure it wasn't them. What made me even more sure was that the container itself was nowhere to be found-whatever it was had actually drug the plastic tub under the barn door and off to who knows were. No cat is going to do that. We suspect a racoon because even out possum has never been that ambitious. So I waited a few days, got a new container and tried again. The first day was ok. This morning-lid ripped off and cat food all gone (I didn't put much out there to be on the safe side). At least they left the container this time. I guess I will not be keeping cat food in the barn anymore.
Here are some pictures of Peyton and Zodiac. If he's so inclined he will actually lay down next to her and let her lick and chew on his face. These are not the best photos but believe me it's adorable.
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