I took the morning off so I'd have a whole day to work in my yard. I ran a few errands early and then got to work. First I planted some stray blackberry sprouts along a bare area of pasture fence that has no electric on it so they they can vine around the wires. Then I cleared out the area along the front of the barn and planted my Lily of the Valley plants. Hopefully they will grow and I can finally get something worthwhile in that spot. Then I cleared out and mulched around the raspberry bushes. I planted some pansies in the wishing well and did a little general weeding and sprayed some areas with week killer. Then I mowed the back yard. Doesn't seem like it should have taken all day. But it did. No time left for messing with the horses or dogs which was something I was hoping to do. Still got some laundry to do and then we are meeting some friends for dinner!
7 months ago