Friday, April 10, 2009

New camera photos

I finally got to use my new camera today. I have been mostly experimenting so far-there are a lot of settings but I did get these of some plants today.

Does anyone know what this is? It's a vine that I've always ripped up every year because it wanders around the house and gets into my groundcover garden. But this year I let it go-the leaves are pretty and the groundcover is taking forever to fill in so I figured I'd let this thing help. Anyway this year it bloomed with pretty purple flowers-that makes it a keeper at our house!
Here are some of my replacement phlox that have not been planted yet.

And some pansies that have not been planted yet.
I've been wanting to try the action mode outside on the dogs but it's raining today and all the agility equipment is piled up waiting for the yard to get mowed. Which I was going to do today, but like I said-it's raining and yucky. Lots of time for laundry though!

1 comment:

Sue said...

The vine is a variegated vinca. It makes a great ground cover . We use it on the hill to hold the soil and prevent erosion. It grows really fast and spreads all over the place.