Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Foxy Does

And that's about it!
I on the other hand have been a little busier today. I played with the dogs in the morning while it was cool, then worked on some stuff around the house. This afternoon I trimmed the bushes-we have quite a few. We have electric hedge trimmers but I had never used them (usually Jerry trims the bushes). Today I used them and found that although they are significantly better than hand trimmers it's still hard work-my arms still feel like jelly!
Later Cindy and friends are coming over to show us how to get started in Tracking. If Zodiac can get at TD he will be eligible for the AKC VCD2 award in versatility.


TC said...

Foxy seems to do what Dispatch would like to do unless I go out of sight or there is a threat to his kingdom.

Diana said...

Foxy does the same things that my chihuahuas do. Sleep much? lol Diana

Sue said...

Lucy spent a lot of time like that, too. Maybe it's the way little dogs act. I'm used to big active dogs so I'm not sure.

Paint Girl said...

Cute pictures of Foxy! I wish I could do that all day!