So now we are home, mostly recovered and unpacked.
The rash on my leg is gone.
The fleas are gone. But, interestingly I had treated Lyric with Frontline and Legend with Vectra prior to leaving. Withing 24 hours of coming home Lyric was flea free. After being home 48 hours Legend still had fleas all over. So, not impressed with the Vectra. A capstar and a bath has remedied the situation.
I no longer feel like I need to be working my dogs which is a huge relief as daylight fades, tracking class continues and the half-marathon looms closer.
I briefly considered going to Utah for champs next year but then reminded myself I was on a super agility high and in reality there is no way I am going to Utah.
But if champs returns to Springfield in 2015 I will consider it.
Legend ran so well that I'm a little sorry we are not trialing much the rest of the year. But again, as the agility high fades I'm sure this will too.
I'm still looking forward to getting Legend's NATCH but after that I cannot even think of an agility goal to set for her! She has already done so much and I don't want to put pressure on her or me to do things we may not actually get such as qualifying for AKC nationals again or getting a PACH. Those things just take so much time and if her A-frame issue resurfaces at it usually does then it will be near impossible. I think we will still be focusing on tracking for now and doing agility "for fun" when the trials are convenient. I enjoy seeing friends and running my dog so will continue as long as it is fun but for now at least on a less frequent basis than we have in years past. We have enjoyed the lighter schedule this year.
Should we attend champs again I will plan on taking off monday. Not because we would expect to make the finals again (if we do that's great) but because it's nice to watch everyone run and participate in the awards ceremony to support the winners. And to not be so tired on Monday!
I failed to mention yesterday we won a few things in the rescue raffle so the dogs are stocked on treats and toys for now.
Cade is glad Legend is home to play with.
Professional video and photos coming in the next few weeks.
7 months ago
1 comment:
Oh come on, Utah isn't that far! We drove 24 hours to get to IL ;)
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