In case you have been wondering, nothing is wrong here. We just had a brief interruption in internet service at the house because of a rabbit containment failure. It seems Kahuna has developed quite a liking for cords and wires. But all is fixed now.
I'll try to post the rest of the Alaska photos sometime this week. Meanwhile, we finally got new carpet! It looks and feels great. It's so nice to finally have this whole flooring project finished. I'll post pictures later. Right now I'm pretty lazy after staying up late at the casino and then running a 5K this morning. And by late I mean about 11:30, so that may or may not be late to some of you but it sure felt late when we got up to run this morning. I didn't get a terrible time but not too bad considering my smoky lungs, lack of sleep, and cool weather (I don't like to race in the cold, hurts my lungs). I ended up 4th in my age group (just out of the medals, grrr) but 4/74 is not too shabby I guess. And last weekend I won my age group so I guess that makes up for it.
Oh, and back to the carpet. It seems my beloved Dyson has too much suction (the new carpet is pretty fluffy) and you can barely push it across. So now we have to get a lesser quality vacuum for our higher quality carpet. Something doesn't seem right about that but oh well.
As far as agility news I've got the contact equipment raised to full height but haven't really used it yet. But hopefully that should at least inspire me to start "Step 2" this week.
I think that's about all for now. Time to catch up reading everyone else's blogs now.
7 months ago
Loved the Alaska pics. Looked like a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing!
Congrats on your races!!
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