Our holiday ended up a little different than planned. Due to uncertain weather conditions we ended up staying home for Christmas instead of traveling to see my family in St. Louis. It was kind of nice to just spend time at home together, see a movie and relax. On Sunday Jerry's mom came to visit.
Ribbon is doing well-catching on to the crate training idea and sleeping through the night (well until 6AM anyway).
Today was super warm so the dogs got some time to play outside. No agility though. I'm letting them have a break since it's two months between our last trial and our next one. They deserve it and I'm sure it's good to get a rest from all that jumping, weaving and climbing for a bit.
Here are a few pictures of the beggars I took last week.
7 months ago
Ahhhh....what cute beggars. Sounds like a nice holiday even if it was not the one you planned....Hope you have a very wonderful New Years-stay warm and stay safe!!!
It's good to know that my dogs aren't the only horrible beggars out there! Such naughty pups (although I know that I've turned them into beggars!). Hope you all are staying warm and enjoying that sweet puppy :)
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