Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Young dog-Old dog

I took this cute picture of Oreo the other day. I thought that he looked so sweet and so wise with all his gray hairs. Compare that to his goofy, mischievous look in the picture below. I'm not sure how old he was at at that time but probably around a year, not more than two for sure. He was a cute little guy wasn't he! Still is of course, just in a different way.

Wiggles seems to be a little perkier today. He hasn't eaten much so far but is not hiding in his hay box as much and was tossing his food bowl around which is one of his favorite hobbies. Hopefully he will continue to get better and start eating more.
Today I worked with Zodiac on Go-outs and Directed Jumping outside for the first time since last year. We have been working on Go-outs inside all winter and that part went great when transplanted to the outdoors but apparently the Directed Jumping part had left his mind. Hopefully today's practice will jog his memory some. He still has trouble with anticipating the signal exercise or else not paying attention and then just guessing what it was he was asked to do because he knows I probably signaled something to him. Legend worked on speed over the contact obstacles while still hitting and sticking her contact. We also worked on fun chasing and toy exchange games to keep her motivated to catching up to me and driving to obstacles. I'm trying to work on things to improve her confidence, and encourage speed and fun in case it was a stress thing that caused her "emotional collapse" at the last trial.

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