Sunday, July 26, 2009

My best friend

For 14 years, 7 months, and 3 weeks my life was blessed with this amazing dog. Today, in the peace of the afternoon, surrounded by friends, we let him go. He was too good a dog to continue to watch deteriorate. He had ice cream for lunch and some stinky fish treats as we said our last good-byes. He was my running buddy in high school, my roommate in college, my first obedience dog, my first agility dog, and a therapy dog. He saw me through vet school, my wedding, approved our first house, helped us pack up and leave that house, helped me train two more dogs of my own and multiple fosters. He taught me most of what I know about dog training and also a lot about patience and perseverance. He was my shadow, my constant companion, and my best friend. His passing leaves a terrible quiet in our house and a hole in my heart. But he brought me so many more smiles than tears that I wouldn't change a thing.
We'll miss you sweet boy....


Valeri said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. Sending you, Jerry and your kids a long distance hug...

Sara said...

My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

May the passing of time ease the ache in your heart, and fill it with all those happy memories of your sweet, loyal Oreo.

Sue said...

As hard as it is right now, remember that the joy he brought to your life far outweighs the pain of losing him.

Anonymous said...


We will all miss the Sweet Boy. He was always a pleasure when he visited here even for a day or for a week. I truly enjoyed those few years he was here at the house. And you are right; he taught all of us a little something. Thinking of You, Jerry, and the rest of the fam.



Chris and Ricky said...

Oh, Nikki, we are so sorry to hear about Oreo! Please know that we are thinking of you.......

Dawn said...

So very sorry to hear this. He seems like he was a wonderful dog! And he had so much fun with you. Luky dog, lucky you.

Diana said...

Im so sorry. Im so glad that he was able to be your dog. You guys did great and wonderful things togther. What a great memory you have of him. Diana

Soon to be Dr. T said...

My thoughts are with you! I'm so sorry for your loss.

Greg S said...

So sorry. May his memories always bring you a smile.

manymuddypaws said...

My sympathies to you, and your family. You made a great choice, for a wonderful dog. You have lots of great memories of him, those will help you through.

nancy ripperger said...

I don't know what to say but sorry and my prayers are with you.

Paint Girl said...

I am so sorry for your loss of Oreo!! You will be in my thoughts!

Border Collie Mom said...

Oh Nicki, we are so, so, sorry for your loss. Our hearts and our prayers go out to you. Hold onto Zodiac and Legand and let them heal your heart.
Lori, Maggie, and Jake

the many Bs said...

we are very sorry about Oreo. we came over here from the Portugese water blog. Oreo looks like a wonderful dog and he was well loved. you have a lot of great memories.


SissySees said...

If dogs didn't love us so well, I'm sure letting them go would be easier. There's just never enough time, but it sounds as though you have some very special memories; hold tightly to those.

Sam said...

So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful and accomplished friend that you had. My thoughts are with you.

Lauren said...

I am so sorry for your loss - it is so hard to lose your constant companion. We are thinking about you...

bbes tribe said...

We are so sorry for your loss. You do have LOTS of wonderful memories to keep him close in your hearts.
They give us so much unconditional love and we can and do learn from them.
Hugs & kisses
Ernie & Sasha and Mom

momsue84 said...

Please accept my sincerest condolences on Oreo's passing. May all the wonderful memories of your dear, sweet friend comfort you in this difficult time. I know what it's like to have that once-in-a-lifetime dog, that pal that stays in your heart forever. I am so sorry.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so sorry for your loss. We lost one of our pack about six weeks ago and it still hurts. But when the time is right, we have to let them go. Prayers and thoughts are with you.

Hugs, the OP Pack

Sue said...

There are a number of comments for you that were left on my blog today.

Dianne said...

Oh, what a wonderful friend he was. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Oreo was very lucky to have (or maybe it's the other way around).


Elizabeth said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

"We who choose to surround ourselves lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle;
easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps,
we would still live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only
certain immortality, never fully
understanding the necessary plan."
— Irving Townsend

The Real Estate Talker said...

So sorry for the loss of Oreo.
It sounds like you had a wonderful friend. Some never have such a friend, and companion, you and Oreo were so very lucky to have found each other. I have a blog for animals, which I have not posted on in awhile, but please stop by and say Hi. Bless you thru your loss.

Duke said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Oreo! What a beautiful boy he was! Our thoughts and prayers go out to you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tee said...

Dear Nikki and family,

Our deepest sympathy and condolences at the loss of your beloved and loyal Oreo.

Licks and wags

The Dog WOods Pack

Jan said...

Nicki...I believe with all my heart that Oreo is waiting patiently at heavens door to see your sweet face, hear your loving voice and to be held again in the arms that gave him so much comfort in life and in death. If he could he would tell you not to cry to much or be too sad now that he is gone. He would thank you for being kind and strong enough to let him go, for holding him close so he wouldn't be so afraid and for letting it be your face that he last saw. He would also tell you how much he loves and misses you but not to hurry. He will wait for you as long as it takes.