I am pleased to say that Legend did not even think about stopping at the end of the contacts today. Who knew that would be a good thing right? Well I guess it still remains to be seen if it's a good thing, but right now it's what we're going for. In fact there were several times she was really, really driving over. Yay! We also worked a little on distance today. It really wasn't very long distance but the response and control was great. It's so nice to see them respond so well to subtle commands at speed. Makes me feel good as a trainer!
Lyric worked on table and weave poles (the teeter needs some repairs of the repairs) and a little on start line stays and lead outs.
I had the day off so went shopping for a few thing we needed with the new floor-bathmats, etc. The doggies got new beds too. We had one nice dog bed (brown, to match our brown/green/purple theme) and a not so nice, not matching bed. Usually at least one dog sleeps with us and the others choose the beds or carpet. But without carpet I didn't wan't anyone to have to sleep on the wood if everyone was sleeping on the floor (no spoiled dogs here right?). So I picked up a purple bed and a green bed while I was out today. Now everyone has something, it all matches, and the new beds add a little color to the room. And I removed the non-matching bed. Now that the pees-on-everything cat is gone, I figured I could splurge a little for some decent beds.
Do I know how to spend the day off or what?
7 months ago
1 comment:
Yea for no stopping!!!
Lol, I didn't think about with our new hard floors dog beds are coming into play and mats by the door and beds etc, hope you had as much fun shopping for the things as idid!
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