Just for fun I decided to let Legend go with me to work on Wednesday. This clinic has a nice roomy area behind the reception desk where usually one or more clinic or rescue dogs are hanging out with beds, water, toys and staff members to keep them happy. Before I even got her settled in up front she wolfed down the cat food left out for the clinic cats. After that she had people giving her treats, playing fetch with her and giving her attention all day long. Interestingly people who are not used to living with her think the fact that she non-stop fetches and presents them with toys to play with is "awesome" and a "cute trick." Little do they know! She also managed to help herself to a hot pocket left unattended on the counter. Needless to say she had a great day and the best part is we got to watch TV in peace because she was napping after getting no sleep all day!
Thursday I brought her back with me since this had gone to well for everyone. She really seems to enjoy going to "day care" and even "protected" us from the UPS and FedEx men. I see more days at the clinic in her future!
7 months ago
Lucky girl, Legend!
I miss having my dogs at work with me.
Going to work is so much fun! I empty the bins on a rotation around the office and have stolen an apple of two from lunch boxes!
I completely understand how much fun it is to live with a dog that has a never ending game of fetch. I am endlessly amused at how much fun other people think this is.
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