Here is the other picture of the sky. That's a fake sun. I just thought it looked cool when I added it in. It's cloudy and windy here today, but warm. I've been pretty lazy this afternoon-probably because I had to get up early. But Trip was nice enough to sleep until I did have to get up! Plus he didn't pee in his crate while I was gone.
Legend is excited that agility classes start tomorrow. Actually both of us are! Hopefully it won't rain.
6 months ago
You can add in a sun????? That is too cool.
Now I really won't believe anything I see in a magazine.
OMG - I was just going to say the exact same thing - "You can add in a sun?" That darn Sara always beats me to it, LOL!
Good luck with the new agility class!
Wow, that is really cool looking. Diana
Pretty cool. My sister doe a lot of rendering stuff like that with landscapes. I, on the other hand, can't work ANY of those programs..
Those trees are beautiful.
And a sure sign of spring is agility classes starting!
I love your trees. This has been such a pretty spring here in Flint Hill.
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