For days the weather forecasters have been predicting a significant winter weather event, for lack of a better term, since no one can decide exactly what we will be getting and how much. I have heard everything from 0.25-0.75 inches of ice followed by anywhere from 3-20 inches of snow. But today when when I checked the weather channel I was surprised (shocked, really) to see a BLIZZARD warning for tomorrow. Seriously? In southwest Missouri? Never, ever, have I seen a blizzard warning, much less an actual blizzard. Probably no big deal to my northern friends but here, it's a pretty big deal. People are freaking out. I have a house full of food and permission to stay home from work so all is good here. So far.
And of course when I came home and fed the dogs, Po promptly started puking multiple times with plastic and other toy pieces in it. Sigh. He seems to feel fine though, is playing with a non-edible, indestructible toy right now and has not vomited in a while. Hopefully everything passes out one end or another. I had already taken up the plastic floor runners I had under his pen days ago (part of the plastic vomitus) and have now taken all but the toughest plastic toys away from him. So hopefully is we get through this there will be no other things he can ingest available to him.
7 months ago
Stay safe. The ice is way worse than the snow. We're supposed to get 25 inches. But,we're used to it!
Hope Po is better this morning.
We had a similar catastrophic weather forecast for here and we are getting freezing rain. Ricky could hardly get outside to potty he kept slipping.
Hope Po is much better today and realizes he shouldn't eat plastic - :)
They're saying about 16" for us near Iowa City. Our last "blizzard" was in in December, turned out to be kind of a dud. I think this one has some teeth to it. Looking forward to a snowed-in day at home tomorrow with the dogs.
Stay warm and safe. Hope the ice misses you.
That sounds COLD and nasty. Hopefully it won't be too bad.
Sage ate plastic a couple of weeks ago and we ended up at the doggy ER. I hope Po is doing OK now!
OOOH glad you are all prepaired!!! Stay warm and safe!!! Hope it will not be as bad as it sounds....just bad enough for you all to stay home and have a fun snow day! OOOH Po, what a character, it is so funny remembering how angelic he sounded the first day or two, he was waiting to let his inner puppy out!
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