Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More winter

This time, snow.  Not much, but enough to make a mess of the morning roads apparently.  Realistically, I could have gone to work but the first thing people do when it snows is cancel their vet appointment.  So I figured it would be a better use of my time and clinic money to stay home.  Not that I necessarily mind getting paid to read or browse veterinary websites for current treatment protocols and drug recalls but, I have laundry to do.  Instead I let Jerry take the 4WD to work as he had meetings to attend. 

So here are the obligatory snow day pictures. 


Sue said...

Quinn is really handsome. How old is he?

Does Lyric like the snow? Lucy didn't and I think a lot of little dogs agree with her.

Sara said...

Oh, the snow covered trees are so pretty! Magical.

The snow covered dogs are pretty cute too :)