The pet modeling thing is becoming a family affair around here. Earlier this year Legend did a shoot for the same local photographer that did Lyric last year. Because of copyrights I can't post any of the photos but let me tell you, they were adorable. It was an easter and mother's day themed shoot and she got some great shots of Legend holding easter baskets and bouquets of flowers.
Today Lyric and Icy did a photo shoot for Elanco (makers of Comfortis and Trifexis, among other things). Icy was somewhat unimpressed with this event. She always gets carsick and on top of that they wanted to shoot her outside on the front porch. She was pretty overwhelmed with this as she is exclusively indoors and only wanted to hunker down and lay still. But they seemed happy with the shots they got as we just plunked her down next to the "actress" and they shot away. Lyric was a rock star, as usual.
This is the second big shoot like this that we have done and I can tell you it's quite a production. I would never have thought so much time and money and effort goes into getting photos for packaging, ads, literature and websites for these products and businesses. So the next time you wonder why your Trifexis costs so much remember they have to cater lunch and breakfast at the photo shoots and pay all those professional pet models!
So when exactly will you start seeing all their smiling faces plastered on all over the place? Well, Lyric's Banfield stuff should be out any day-so check your local PetSmart regularly. Nothing has officially been published from the local studio but some of the pics were being considered by a few companies. And today's shoot was for Elanco's European ad campaign/packaging so it will be pretty tough to find. On the plus side I think this officially makes them international superstars! Not bad for a broken down street cat and a dog dropped off to be put to euthanized.
7 months ago
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