Novice Touch and Go (from Saturday)-another disaster, apparently she was done for the day!
Novice Weavers-too wild
Novice Chances-great until the off course tunnel that she felt needed to be done 3 times
Open Jumpers-started slow but finished well, Q
Elite regular 1-clean but 1 sec over time. NADAC times are faster than AKC times but she was definately dragging. I'm not sure she likes doing 10 runs in a weekend. I think she gets bored.
Elite reg round 2-nothing was gonna get her going-not even going through the tunnel could get her sped up so we just did a shorter course and called it quits.
So, not the greatest weekend but there's always next time. If only she could run like last week every time!
Here are some photos I took during the weekend. This is Cheri's foster dog-Wyatt. I know you can't really see his face but I love this picture. He's so funny.
7 months ago
the "too wild" is something I can relate to :o)
I didn't think the exc. run was that slow- there were moments were she was pokey- but overall I didn't think it was bad!
I thought the run looked good. Maybe two weekends in a row is to much for her. ( I dont know, Im just putting thoughts out. Im sure you know your dog). Ten runs would be a lot for me thats for sure. To tell you the truth, I get board at agility trials waiting for my turn. Sevearl times I left before the last run because I cant take it any more. ( not a good mind set for an agility competitor huh? ) Thanks for telling me about the horses and the car. I will keep that in mind next time I go to the field. My husband had goats as a kid and they would always try an eat the windshield wipers. lol Diana
We were just talking today about our Aussie's doing agility, again. I wish we would have done it! How old were your dogs when you started them?
I don't know if I could run through a course though! My knees are terrible, I had knee surgery 3 yrs ago and need another one or 2!
Thanks everyone! Oreo started about age 5, zodiac and legend started as soon as I got them, ages 2.5 and 1, respectively.
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