Thursday, November 6, 2008

Random thoughts

I don't understand why people call at the end of the day, want to be seen before closing-for a non-emergency condition- that has been going on for who knows how long and then not show up.

I teach a session of obedience classes at work a few times a year. Due to our outgrown clinic and lack of space, classes take place in the lobby of our grooming salon. Apparently our groomer has agreed to house several large plants over the winter and now it's like I'm teaching in a jungle.

Apparently after working together for four years my boss can only name one of my three dogs-and he matched that name to the wrong dog. In most work situations this might not be a big deal but remember I have no children, the dogs are a very significant part of my life, and they often accompany me to work. Plus I can name his four children, his current pet and the ones his ex kept in the divorce.

Legend's eye is almost better but a little redness still lingers.

I got bit by a ferret today.

-- Post From My iPhone


CK said...

I know what you mean about not having children and your pets are your kids. Most don't get my bostons correct either.

Sue said...

It sounds like you need a vacation. Work can really be a drag, can't it. I'm so thankful that's behind me and I can stay home and play with my animals.

Diana said...

Not to be mean, but is your boss a man? Most men dont remember details. I dont think its in their genes. Ha! Diana

manymuddypaws said...

i agree with Diana, it probably has more to do with your boss being a man than anything else! But really it's not like your dogs are all black labs and hard to tell apart. Geesh. You should start mixing up his kids the girls by the boys names...

Melissa said...

You know that doesn't completely surprise me that he doesn't know your dogs names :) He never was too concerned about every employees pets, that is why Gracie Grant loved you the best. We miss you by the way!!!