I was tagged by Paint Girl over at Adventures of the Painted Creek Farm for the Honest Scrap Award. So here are 10 things you might not know about me.
1. I will eat ice cream in place of any meal.
2. I used to want a Golden Retriever when I was a kid, and I really want my next dog to be Pomeranian
3. I'm addicted to my iPhone
4. If I had to do it over again I may pursue a career in graphic arts
5. In high school I was more interested in succeeding at sports than at academics (fortunately the academic part came pretty easy)
6. I'd really like to own a palomino paint horse someday
7. "Virtual" rides often give me motion sickness, but "real" rides usually do not (unless they do a lot of spinning)
8. I do not like seafood except for tuna and White Castle fish sandwiches. (I have no explanation for this.)
9. Milk goes with everything and I don't drink soda
10. I love new sweatshirts because they are so soft and fuzzy inside-I put off washing them as long as I can.
Now I'm supposed to tag 10 more people but I'm too lazy so if you want to play, then consider yourself tagged!
6 months ago
a pomeranian? really? interesting...
I love reading these things, I may consider myself tagged soon.
Yes, a Pom-I've been wanting one for a while. But don't worrry-I'm gonna do agility with it!
I also don't care for seafood! I like salmon, tuna, crab and lobster, but thats about it! My other half loves seafood and wants to make it all the time, but I tell him only if I am not home!
Thanks for sharing!
I love reading your ten things!
They are all very interesting. the dog I would love to have is a weiner dog!
Just last night there was a pom doing agility in our class. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.
And iPhones are really addicting. My husband and I didn't talk for about a week after we got ours because we were too enthralled with playing with them.
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