Friday, June 26, 2009

The Babysitter

Zodiac worked 12 articles again tonight. He does the metal one perfect and then had a bit of trouble with the leather. I'm not sure if he just has trouble with the leather itself or he does not realize that we have switched articles. Anyway, he is working the pile well and really trying so at least he's not just giving up and guessing.

Legend had a nice agility practice tonight. I should be working her in obedience with the trial coming up, but it's more fun to work her in agility. Could make for an interesting trial.


Paint Girl said...

I wish my dogs played that nice! They are so cute!

Sue said...

Love the way the Zodiac and the pup play together. Does it get crazy and noisy after a while?

Nicki said...

Zodiac plays pretty quietly but Legend is loud.