Sunday, September 27, 2009


The standard course today was a tough one and I'm really proud that we did all the obstacles in the correct order and got a good time. She did however bail off the teeter again (ugh) and missed the weave entrance. This was one of the rare times I made her go back and correct it as her attitude seemed really up. She nailed it the second time and then missed the down dogwalk contact. Overall I'm not unhappy with her run but concerned about this teeter thing. On to jumpers-she started slow, despite the first obstacle being the tunnel and gradually (I mean very gradually) picked up speed. But she was clean, picked up MXJ leg #4 and a few points. Hopefully we are making progress.


manymuddypaws said...

weird about the teeter thing....they always surprise us don't they!

Diana said...

Congrats on you MXJ leg. Great job. Sorry about the teeter thing. I feel your pain. Diana