Sunday, September 13, 2009

Maybe it's not all about agility

If you read my blog you have probably noted that every time Legend does something "weird" at a trial I spend hours agonizing over what I'm doing wrong, what I already did wrong, what I need to do different, etc. And granted there is always room for more training and improvement but on the way back from the trial I realized Legend does weird stuff at home. Most notably she occasionally refuses/acts afraid of going in the back yard. When we get home she just stands in the bedroom and looks across the house at the open door. If you go get her she runs to a corner or throws herself to the floor. Then when she wants back in she will sometimes throw herself at the door in some sort of mini panic attack. A few times (when she's not sleeping in her crate) she has run to the other side of the house and slept under the computer desk and she does not care to be in the same room where I am folding laundry.

I don't usually dwell on these behaviors because I don't have significant time, money, or pride invested in her being a relatively normal house pet!

So could it partly be ring stress and anxiety? Probably. Could she also be just a little bizarre? Maybe.


Paint Girl said...

Both of mine do weird things too, especially Sadie, but that is due to her anxiety. She just gets really strange at times.

Sara said...

My Oreo is definitely anxious and stressed in other places besides agility. That's one of the reasons I started him in agility, because it is supposed to "build confidence".

I keep wondering, "Um, yea, when is that gonna happen?"

Chris and Ricky said...

I definitely do weird stuff outside of agility too! Is it more of a herding dog thing or are all dogs like that?

Nicki said...

I know herding dogs are like that. Maybe others too. But my herding dogs have all been quirky in different ways.